August 27, 2008

so im sitting in bed right now.. nothings really going on, im sad to say that classes start in exactly a week.. im taking night classes on monday and wed and sewing on saturday morning. so i dont have work on those lovely days... works good, i have my own desk now, and ill be decorating my bulletin board tomorrow.. fun time at work.  anyways, ill be in the city a lot this winter, i can already tell.. marias there haha so thats good... ill probably be shopping soon for my apartment in LA, idk i'm kinda nervous about that also.. a new city, a new home.. new people.. the cryps... its a scary thought. idk, im excited at the same time, its just going to be sad to leave everyone. blehh.. im going to have a big going away party though.. parties are always fun...

August 10, 2008

so france was gorgeous! i spent all my time sight seeing, and going to museums.  and the shopping was wonderful. but the one thing that i had loved the most was a 5 corse glass boat ride on the saine viewing all of paris on the water. im in montauk right now, so ill be posting everything i got rearly soon.. whenever i wear and take pictures of them..