December 28, 2008

so if you want to say that today is monday, then i have 2 full days until i leave. i leave thursday morning, which is getting me pretty upset. i don't think i want to go anymore, i mean i know that it will be a great experience and adventure, but not anymore it doesn't. so if today is monday, i have work today from 2 to 6. last tuesday was supposed to be my last day, but it didn't happen since i just got called into work yesterday. i don't mind at all. i love it there. and it will give me a chance to say goodbye to some of the people there which will be pretty sad =[ boo. anyways i pretty much packed everything today which is nice, so it gives me to two days to relax and be with my friends. i have a hair appointment on tuesday with kristen. i'm getting my hair highlighted blonder and i believe kristen is going back to being a red head or just getting highlights as well. should be fun. other than that new years eve should be fun, but yeeep still have no idea what's going on. anyways, i'm goign to go back to watching family guy.

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