November 09, 2008

i wont say i'm in love, i wont say im in love with you.

So, my flight moved closer, i'm leaving on new years day. i had a long conversation with my dad today, mostly about how i should get on track before i leave. which i pretty much should get myself together before i do leave. i have to pack in the second week in december to send everything of mine out there. that means i have to start packing in about 21/2 weeks, and write down everything i need. it's getting pretty stressful, seeming that i have to leave everyone here for quite a while. 
Anyways, enough depressing-nesss that makes me upset! on another note, i had a girls night the other night, which was pretty much one of the funniest thing ever. we woke up just giggling, and the whole night consisted of that. other than that, i need to get my hair cut pretty soon. before i leave too. so hopefully right before the holidays.  its getting a little to long. My last day until summer at madden is on tuesday. And then ill be working at the boys and girls club before i leave, which will be so much fun. everyone there makes me laugh so much. i am pretty excited about that part. Other than that, i'm at my dad's house right now and have to head home, i'm going to make a list of what i need need to get, and bring with me. i can't believe i'm doing this all ready...

1 comment:

MELYNdA said...

Wow! I can't believe your going already!! I'm so happy for youu!